
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Day trip to Malmo

This organisation of the pictures in this blog is a little messy. I'm still playing around with the picture function.
the kitchen in my corridor!

dining area with the fridge.

one of the malmo's streets

It's -3deg and the wind is blowing pretty strongly.

lunch - chicken kebah

A view of a Swedish cemetery in winter.
The white building is apparently an engineering feat.

first glimpse of the Malmo Museum

Sunset, snow and windmill. Lovely. =)

The Malmo museum from afar.

The Malmo museum. It's a very small castle surrounded by a snowy moat.

Finally at IKEA.

Exactly the same as the one in Singapore.

An instant flowers dispenser. It's so cool. =)

This is Malmo train station.

A glimpse of the sunset.

frozen hands! =)

We took a bus to the neighbouring city- Malmo. Having been accustomed to the small and cosy town of Lund, it feels wierd in Malmo. I feel unknown in the big city. Somehow or other Malmo reminds me of Subic Bay city in Phillipines but the most conspicious difference is probably the absence of slums in Malmo. Anyway, there are many more streets and shops to explore in Malmo. Sadly, we didn't get a chance to do so but I will definitely make a trip back in Spring. We went to an Asian provision shop where we saw Lee Kum Kee sauces, Yeo's drinks and other Asian imports. Something farmiliar at last! The temperature was about -3 deg cel as indicated on a display board. My hands really hurt when I removed my gloves to operate my camera. =(

We had lunch at a local cafe since the chinese restaurant was really expensive. I ate chicken kebah that costs 35SEK. I have never had so much Turkish cuisine in my life until I came to Sweden. Sad but true, the cheapest food in Lund are not Swedish food but kebah, pizza and falafel.

This dog is really huge in real life.

We walked to the Malmo museum which was formerly a castle. It was 15 minutes to the closing time and we were allowed to go in for free. It was my first time in a castle! =) The castle was small but the artefacts in the museum were more interesting than those in the Shanghai museum. :)

Another attraction in Malmo was IKEA! The interior of Ikea looks just like our local Ikea and it was nothing new. Unlike Singaporeans who generally pay for delivery of their furniture, the Swedes usually transport their own items. I saw people trying to fit in the single beds and armchairs into their small cars. I was really amused. :)

We took the train back to Lund. I love sitting in trains. It's comfortable and you get to enjoy the lovely scenery. It was dark on the way back but I could still catch little glimpses of the exterior. I want to travel to simply enjoy the scenery but Daniel travels to see scenery and for historical exposure. I know I won't understand as much as him when we go to Berlin but I still want to go Berlin. Just to see Berlin! =)

One of my corridor mates is having a party again. I want to go to church tomorrow but I'm not inclined to go for the translated service. I will try to go for the afternoon service in another church. It says English in the brochure but it might be a translated service as well. I hope there's a sermon too. It's so easy to skip church and stay in my room. It's so cold out there and the snow on the gound can be really thick in those uncleared paths. Planning for a trip to Kiruna to see the northern lights. It's going to be even colder. I'm already frozen here in Lund. Perhaps it's time to get the pair of snow boots that I have been eyeing.


  • At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice pictures of my home town :)


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