
Friday, January 20, 2006

snow and snowman!

It was snowing lightly but continuously. The ground was covered with inches of snow. I regretted wearing my trenchcoat since it's not water-proof. We had some time to spare at the AF and Jerald started to build a snowman. I decided to chip in and we constructed a pretty decent-looking snowman. It was the first snowman in my life. =) It was fun but tiring to walk in the snow. My boots finally serve their purpose. =)

We went to the party which was held inside an empty room in LTH. It was the size of about 3 to 4 classrooms. There were only 3 tables for sitting down and a make-shift bar counter. People were mainly dancing. Despite my boredness, it was nonetheless interesting to observe the people around. There were a few drunkards and one tried to grab my hand to dance with him. I pulled away and ignored him. The Hongkong exchange students and us went to the dance floor but I was only partially enjoying it. Luckily there was Cyrus, one of the Hongkong exchange students, who suggested leaving early. I was glad to head back to our hostel. I don't hate clubbing but I just find it aimless to get high or drunk and then get a hangover the next day. Momentarily happiness.

Hope that we can go to Malmo tomorrow. Snowing can be irritating after a while since it impedes mobility. I suddenly miss the fine weather last week.

Started praying for a friend who left church for some time. It's quite a pity that disillusion has set in.


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